KG2A Week in review

This week we’ve been talking about materials that we use in art. It was a good opportunity to talk about sharing and asking for things nicely. After practising a few times, I set the students the task of drawing rainbows but only gave them one crayon each! In order to complete their pictures they had to ask to borrow coloured crayons from their friends.


Tibah asking to borrow from Purim and Zain


Meetu, Ceyda and Anisa sharing nicely

We then used some more art materials later in the week. Some people will celebrate Valentine’s Day tomorrow, so the student made a card to give to someone they love… perhaps they have already given it to you!


Fatima getting stuck in


Ali making his mark


Ayesha caught red-handed!


Lots of love


Meetu's message

The atmosphere in class is helpful and friendly. Here are Shouq and Uno helping each other make the bed.


Shouq and Uno working together

Earlier this week, after I’d read a story, Ayesha volunteered to read the class her own story featuring all the members of our class! Here is everyone listening attentively.


Everyone is captivated with Ayesha's story

I hope everyone has a great long weekend and I’ll update about next week’s plan on Monday. Here’s a nice picture of the girls to brighten your day.


KG2A girls

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