KG2B: Learning about craft materials.

This week we finished with the our language learning theme called “Making Toys”. We did many different activities, allowing us to talk and learn about different materials we can use to make things. We also practised describing the size and color of objects, and how to ask for things using polite requests.

Nada is making a picture using paint, sponges and tape.

Nada is making a picture using paint, sponges and tape.

Sahej is making her hand puppet.

Sahej is making her hand puppet.

Abdulhadi really enjoyed playing with his puppet.

Abdulhadi really enjoyed playing with his puppet.

Nadeem and Ahad show their hand puppets.

Nadeem and Ahad show their hand puppets.

Our completed hand puppets.

Our completed hand puppets.

The pinwheels we made using paper, crayons, and straws.

The pinwheels we made using paper, crayons, and straws.

Tatyana paints her bunny mask.

Tatyana paints her bunny mask.

In Math we are now counting up to high numbers, practising number bonds and starting with addition. This week we also reviewed the concept of weight. The students can now compare two things and describe one thing as being heavier or lighter than another.

The students enjoyed exploring the concept of weight with the scale.

The students enjoyed exploring the concept of weight with the scale.

Heng tries to balance the scales using different objects.

Heng tries to balance the scale using different objects.


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