Learning through imaginative play.

This week we are talking about our community. As one of our activities to practice vocabulary, we dressed up as different people in our community.  We had a police officer, handyman, doctor, patient, chef, sales person and some firemen. The students had to cooperate and play together. By doing this, children learn how to take turns, share responsibility, and creatively solve problems. They all had fun pretending to be someone else and we had some very interesting stories unfold.

Dr. Sahej reporting for duty.

Dr. Sahej reporting for duty.

Our handyman Nada, or handygirl rather, visits the doctor for a quick check-up.

Zaid played the part of an x-ray patient.

Zaid played the part of an x-ray patient.

Heng was a very good police officer. He used his  walkie-talkie to call the firefighters for help.

Heng was a very good police officer. He used his walkie-talkie to call the firefighters for help.

Here Nada is the doctor.

Here Nada is the doctor.

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After his x-ray Zaid went back to work as a chef.

After his x-ray Zaid went back to work as a chef.


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