Yusa Is KG3A’s Student Of The Month!

Yusa was the Student of the Month for March in KG3A. Well done Yusa!


Here is Yusa receiving his prize from our principal T. Janet.

In KG3A we use the behavior management system Class Dojo, introduced to the department by the KG2A teacher, Sarah. We really love this website and have had so much fun changing our monster avatars and earning points.


Yusa accumulated the most positive rewards this month for a variety of good behavior such as sitting criss-cross, listening and trying hard.

Who will be the student of the month next month? Subscribe to this blog to have news about our next winner sent straight to your inbox!

KG2B Flower pot paintings.

Last week we did an activity combining art and science. We painted flowers, and while doing so, learned about the different parts of a plant.


Nada is making each flower unique by using different colors and shapes.


Kani chose many different colors for her flowers.

The pictures turned out beautifully! I can’t stop looking at them. They are so completely different, yet equally beautiful. It is impossible for me to choose which pictures to include in this post, so I am showing them all!


Our flower pictures displayed outside the classroom.





KG3B is into Raz-Kids!


Last week we learned about the ‘ar’ sound in Phonics class. This meant that our spelling words also all had the ‘ar’ sound in them. In school we practiced a lot on our spelling words which resulted in very good results on our spelling test on Friday. Well done everybody!

In language class we learned about the connection between two events in a story by looking at the story of ‘The Lorax’. In Science class we continued to learn about people at work.  In Math class we learned about 3D shapes and in Art class we made a painting inspired by the painting ‘Me and the village’ by Marc Chagall.

I and the village

‘Me and the village’ by Marc Chagall 

Of course we also went to the library this week and we played basketball during P.E. class. The highlight of the week however was our Computer class in which we all found out what our password for Raz-Kids is. All students now have their own password which we sent home in the communication book and we showed to the students in Computer class. We were very happy to see that as soon as we put the passwords on the Raz-Kids accounts everybody started asking about these passwords. This made it very clear that a lot of students are actively using their Raz-Kids account at home! Keep up the good work!



How to Make Spring Flowers

As it is now spring, we wanted to use our art lessons to make flowers. We used painted egg cartons for the flower heads and an assortment of colored paper for the stem, leaves and other features.


Now lets take a closer look.


As you can see from Pao-Pao’s picture, the egg cartons are very striking and make a unique picture. Pao did a great job and tried very hard to layer the paper leaves. We were really impressed by his attention to detail.


Print managed to tie a bow out of tissue paper – not many kids her age can do that yet! Print put a lot of effort into her work and it looks stunning.


Iman always tried very hard and in this picture she paid attention to what might surround a flower. She created beautiful butterflies in the background.


This is Hamnah’s picture. Hamnah is very creative.


Last but not least, Amin was the only student who gave some thought to the color of the sky. Well done Amin!

What do you think of our art? What did we miss? Let us know in the comments below!

KG2A Week 11 Plan

This week we begin our fourth and final unit; How We Express Ourselves. As part of that, our new chapter in Pockets is called What We Wear. We will be learning lots of clothes vocabulary and how we dress in different circumstances. It’s a good opportunity for us to seek out some ‘dressing up clothes’ and experiment with some different outfits!

In maths this week, we return to subtraction, but this time we’re working with numbers up to 10. The children are told that the first number in the sum relates to the number of pictures/objects they can see; the second number refers to the number they must cross out. Once they have crossed out the right number, they can then count to see how many are left. This is what they will be required to do for homework this week.

In phonics, our sound is ‘v’. It’s a hard sound for some students, depending on their native language so I’m always reminding them to put their top teeth on their bottom lip! I’m very pleased with the way most of the students are coming on with their reading skills. I can see that lots of them are practicing at home at the weekend. I really appreciate your support with this.

Have a good week!