KG3B: Hand painted Delftware made by the Butterfly Class!

WP_20141029_13_20_59_ProThe Butterfly class is going to represent The Netherlands on International Day. This week we started our preparations. We each painted our own Delft Blue vase! Blue Delftware is one of the things The Netherlands is famous for.  Visit this website if you want to know more about Delft  Blue:

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Hello from KG1B

We have been busy this week learning about the solar system. Why the moon and the stars are in the sky. We even made our own planets.

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The planets were a fantastic and fun science experiment using milk, food coloring and dish soap. It was fascinating to watch and we loved getting messy.

Over this semester KG1B have been learning to swim. Our very own little monkeys gave started paddling all by themselves.This week We celebrate Danish’s and Zaaras accomplishments in the pool!

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Congratulations Guys!

International day is coming up! and KG1B have been busy using our P.E lessons to prepare our performance. We are excited for December 20th! Do not forget to check your communication books for our invitation letter!

Lets “Walk like an Egyptian!”

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Its been a tiring week for KG1B and we quickly slipped in to the land of dreams! Lets hope next week brings us as much joy!

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KG3B: Busy Butterfly Class!

We have been very busy in the Butterfly class!


Kani and Kausi had their birthday on the 12th of October



Sahej had her birthday on the 27th of October



On the 16th of October we had Future Fun Day



Everybody dressed up as what they want to be in the future



Together with a lot of parents we decorated a rocket ship. And some parents built a launching platform. This theme was base on the idea of our classmate Najib who wants to be an astronaut.




The puzzles are still very popular in our class! 



Nadeem is the first person in our class who was able to make a cube out of one of the puzzles. Very well done!





KG 2B – Weeks 8 & 9

Over the past two weeks KG 2B have become more and more comfortable with speaking independently. We have practiced standing up individually and talking to our friends every day. We learnt to stand with our arms neatly at our sides and with our heads up tall!

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We have started using various musical instruments with Teacher M. Here are some photos of us using instruments to make it sound like rainfall.

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Week 9 was an exceptionally exciting week because all our Mommies and Daddies came to school for our Future Fun Day! We worked very hard at school during the week to make sure that all our materials were ready and to ensure that we also had some fun things to do on Fun Day.


We also learnt about the Primary Colours and experimented with strong painting. In these pictures we only used Red, Yellow and Blue paint. We used string to create designs and watched how new colours were created when two our more blended together. Please have a look at our beautiful paintings on the walls outside. They took a lot of concentration and everybody did a really great job. Well Done!

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We did a new activity outside that encouraged us to work as a group. It was also very challenging on our imaginations but in the end we were very successful! Each group was given a handful of colour pieces and were instructed to create a house using squares and triangles.

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We want to say a big thank you to everyone that participated in our Family Fun Day! KG 2B had lots of support and we are so grateful to those who were able to take some time and join us. We really appreciate it! Thank you also for helping your children dress up so beautifully, they had an exceptional time!

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On Friday we had a very exciting day. We learnt the plants grow from seeds. It was so exciting to learn that something so big can grow from something so tiny. After we watched a video on seed germination, KG2A and KG2B had a class together where we planted our own seeds using cotton wool! Then we prepared some soil for our seeds! It was so much fun to touch and smell the soil, we didn’t want to stop!

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Family Future Fun for KG2A!

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Here are some wonderful pictures we drew to show you what we dream about being!

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Here we are working as a team in preparation for a day filled with fun!

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We came to school dressed as our future selves and all looked fantastic!


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We worked on different parts of our fire station and were very lucky to have lots of our mothers in to help us!

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We had a chance to explore some of the buildings that were made and of course play with our fire station and fire truck!

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Here we are receiving our certificates for our participation in a great day!


Time for some well deserved lunch!


Week 9 in KG2A!

What are the parts in a community? This is what we explored this week!

We learned about neighborhoods and communities and understood that the classroom is a community, too! We talked about community helpers and buildings, which tied in nicely to our ‘Future Fun’ day, where we made our very own fire station!

Please see our post ‘Family Future Fun’ to see all about what we did.

Here are some of the other things we did this week:

We practiced our letter formation for Pp, Ff and our names.

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We looked for shapes in everyday objects and buildings, then recreated these ourselves.

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We had our first Friday reading morning, where we loved exploring the books in our class library!

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And most exciting of all, we learned about what plants need in order to grow, planted our very own bean plant seeds, and had a wonderful time exploring soil!


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Happy Birthday Ayesha In Kindergarten 3!

Ayesha had a very happy birthday today in Kindergarten. She enjoyed a beautiful and delicious cake with all her friends. Here are some photos of her special day.


Ayesha loved her cake.

Ayesha’s friends sang her a hearty Happy Birthday.


Here’s Teacher Eden helping to light the candles, safety first!


Ayesha made a wish as she cut the cake. Don’t worry, the teachers were just out of shot and we didn’t leave her alone with the knife!


Here is Meetu and Uno, do you think they had fun?

Many happy returns Ayesha!