KG 2B – Weeks 8 & 9

Over the past two weeks KG 2B have become more and more comfortable with speaking independently. We have practiced standing up individually and talking to our friends every day. We learnt to stand with our arms neatly at our sides and with our heads up tall!

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We have started using various musical instruments with Teacher M. Here are some photos of us using instruments to make it sound like rainfall.

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Week 9 was an exceptionally exciting week because all our Mommies and Daddies came to school for our Future Fun Day! We worked very hard at school during the week to make sure that all our materials were ready and to ensure that we also had some fun things to do on Fun Day.


We also learnt about the Primary Colours and experimented with strong painting. In these pictures we only used Red, Yellow and Blue paint. We used string to create designs and watched how new colours were created when two our more blended together. Please have a look at our beautiful paintings on the walls outside. They took a lot of concentration and everybody did a really great job. Well Done!

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We did a new activity outside that encouraged us to work as a group. It was also very challenging on our imaginations but in the end we were very successful! Each group was given a handful of colour pieces and were instructed to create a house using squares and triangles.

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We want to say a big thank you to everyone that participated in our Family Fun Day! KG 2B had lots of support and we are so grateful to those who were able to take some time and join us. We really appreciate it! Thank you also for helping your children dress up so beautifully, they had an exceptional time!

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On Friday we had a very exciting day. We learnt the plants grow from seeds. It was so exciting to learn that something so big can grow from something so tiny. After we watched a video on seed germination, KG2A and KG2B had a class together where we planted our own seeds using cotton wool! Then we prepared some soil for our seeds! It was so much fun to touch and smell the soil, we didn’t want to stop!

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