Hello from KG1B

We have been busy this week learning about the solar system. Why the moon and the stars are in the sky. We even made our own planets.

photo 4 3 Planet Earth Planet earth 2 photo 5 photo 2

The planets were a fantastic and fun science experiment using milk, food coloring and dish soap. It was fascinating to watch and we loved getting messy.

Over this semester KG1B have been learning to swim. Our very own little monkeys gave started paddling all by themselves.This week We celebrate Danish’s and Zaaras accomplishments in the pool!

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Congratulations Guys!

International day is coming up! and KG1B have been busy using our P.E lessons to prepare our performance. We are excited for December 20th! Do not forget to check your communication books for our invitation letter!

Lets “Walk like an Egyptian!”

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Its been a tiring week for KG1B and we quickly slipped in to the land of dreams! Lets hope next week brings us as much joy!

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