KG 2B – Weeks 10 & 11

KG 2B was so busy during October that the month seems to have flown by! We hope that everyone had a lovely time and that November is just as wonderful.

As always, we have spent a lot of time focusing on the alphabet as well as on numbers. Please remember to practice counting everyday – some of our students can already count to 40! We are also becoming much faster at recognizing and forming English letters – good job everyone!

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We celebrated Sita’s birthday in class and we were all treated with delicious food and even some presents! SIta looked beautiful in her princess dress and we wish her all the best for the next year in her life. Our celebration was so big that we even invited KG 2A to come and join us!

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Our class is still enjoying their swimming lessons but unfortunately not many students remember to bring their swimsuits to school. Please try and join us for swimming this week as it is great fun and also a very good skill to have!

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During our art class this week we were given carte blanche with what we wanted to paint. Some students experimented with mixing colours and everyone enjoyed painting with sponges. We had so much fun that we ended up with paint everywhere!

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I am happy to say that our math skills are developing nicely and almost everyone is able to work from their math books independently. Last week I saw a lot of students taking initiative and helping their friends which was exceptional! Good job KG 2B.

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As you know, KG 2B will be representing Sri Lanka for International Day. We used pastels for the first time in class to draw the Sri Lankan flag. We decided that it was a bit difficult to draw a lion so teacher printed some for us to cut out instead.

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I am proud to say that we have some aspiring actors and actresses in our class. Here are some photos of us warming up our faces. The instructions were: make a big face and make a small face.

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To round off, I am very happy with the students in KG 2B. Their social and emotional skills are developing beautifully and I hope you are all able to see the positive growth and changes in your children.

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