KG 2A – week 17

Welcome to week 17!

We have continued to learn and play, having a lot of fun along the way – this week has gone by so quickly!

Here are some of the things we have been doing:

We made different shapes with play dough, using different tools such as the roller and cutter.

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We were very happy to use some new math equipment – here we are making cube stairs and using them to help us count. Some of us noticed that for each step, we add one more cube – this is a pattern!

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Tangrams are a great way to practice our shapes – we can make different pictures by turning and flipping them.

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I am so pleased to see the children working so nicely with their friends, sharing and caring. Together, they can make some impressive structures!


KG 2A love to paint, especially feeling the texture on their hands and exploring colors and patterns. We were very lucky this week to work with KG 2B on a special project – another great example of team work!


Of course, next week is very important and exciting, as we are celebrating International Day!

All the children have been working so hard on their performances and have impressed us with their talents. We hope you will be able to share this day with us, you will be extremely proud I am sure. Thank you again to all of the parents who have supported us with all the preparations.

There is no homework this weekend – instead, make sure you get lots of sleep and drink lots of water so you are feeling your best for next week!

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