KG 2B – Week 5


After all the excitement from Sports Day we had to focus really hard on getting back into school routine this week. We are still working through our ‘Making Toys’ unit in Pockets. This week we were lucky enough to have a lesson inside the Land of Dreams. This is such a nice space for our students. After explaining the instructions, I sent them off to find their own spaces to complete their work in – look how well they are working individuallly!

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Of course we did some work in our classroom too!

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I’m very happy to see how nicely the KG 2B students play with one another. Each day they are full of smiles and everyone has a friend to play with. Good job KG 2B!

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We had a wonderful time on Friday creating art projects for our parents as a Valentine’s Day present. We made handprints in the shape of hearts and decorated frames to produce these beautiful creations – we hope you like them!

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