KG 2B – Weeks 6 & 7

Hello everybody!

I cannot believe that February is over and that we only of 3 months left in KG 2B! We are going to work very hard over the next 3 months to ensure that we are ready for KG 3! I urge all parents to please do homework with your children everyday. It is so, so important that they repeat their reading words and receive positive reinforcement as often as possible. Thank you to those parents who are reading with your students – it is very clear who is practicing at home!

JOLLY PHONICS – Over the past two weeks we have focused on letters G, O, U and L. This is book 3 in the Jolly Phonics range and the song is available on

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MATH – By now, your child should be able to count confidently from 1 – 20. We spend a lot of time counting individually and even practice outside to make practicing as fun as possible! We have spent a lot of time writing our numbers as well. Students should be able to write from 1 – 10 from memory by now. I urge everyone to practice this at home. You will be surprised at how much your children can remember! I’m very proud of them.

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We have also spent some time ordering numbers from 1 – 20 both individually and in groups. Sometimes we put the numbers in order ourselves and sometimes we correct numbers when they are in the incorrect order (eg: 1, 2, 4, 5, 3 – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

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POCKETS – Our unit for the past two weeks was Our Community. We learnt about different members in our community and what they do to help us.

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And of course, we had a lot of time playing together with our friends.

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We ended the week last week with some amazing bubble painting.

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