KG 2A – semester 2, week 8

Welcome to week 8! We are almost half way through the semester and continue to work hard – we’re all growing up very fast!

Letters of the week: We have been practicing letters Ff and Bb – we learned the sounds and actions and practiced writing the letters to help our hand muscles remember. We matched simple words with their pictures by looking at the first letter, for example hen, mat and pen. We also chose the correct starting letter for words out of 4 options and did a great job! We are starting to get really confident sounding out letters to be able to read our weekly words, again I have seen huge jumps in the children’s ability in doing this. Please try to spend 5 minutes a day at home reading these words together – I am sure you will also be impressed with what they can do!


Pockets: We started a new unit, ‘Let’s Go to the Farm.’ First, we identified people, animals and places on a farm (barn, cow, farmer, field, hen, horse, rooster, sheep), singing songs and playing games to help us to remember them.We also named farm products and talked about where they come from, for example eggs come from hens.

Next week we will continue to learn about farms and make our own sheep!

Here, we are making our own chicks using paper bags and other materials.

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Math: We have been counting up to 30 and whole 10s up to 100. The children have got so excited about their counting skills that they always ask to keep going all the way to 100! We are also starting to get confident at recognizing numbers up to 30 and making them. For example, we count the tens first then the units (10, 20, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34…)

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Music: We love exploring all the instruments our music teacher brings – we can shake shakers, clack castanets and hit sticks! We are learning about different rhythmic patterns and starting to read musical rhythms when written down.

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Students of the Month:

A huge congratulations gos to Chai and Busra, our two students of the month.They have both worked very hard and I’m so proud of their progress – keep it up!

Chai is very confident learning new vocabulary and is always the first to help others. Good work, Chai!

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Busra has grown so much in confidence and has made excellent progress in all subject areas, especially in phonics. Well done, Busra!

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