KG2B Flower pot paintings.

Last week we did an activity combining art and science. We painted flowers, and while doing so, learned about the different parts of a plant.


Nada is making each flower unique by using different colors and shapes.


Kani chose many different colors for her flowers.

The pictures turned out beautifully! I can’t stop looking at them. They are so completely different, yet equally beautiful. It is impossible for me to choose which pictures to include in this post, so I am showing them all!


Our flower pictures displayed outside the classroom.





KG2B Student of the month.

Congratulations to Nadeem for being awarded student of the month for March.


Nadeem is very well-mannered and listens attentively in class. He enjoys actively taking part in lessons and giving answers. Nadeem always tries his best to produce very neat work.

Well done Nadeem!


KG2B Update.

Last week we completed our topic called “Let’s go to the farm”. We broadened our knowledge about farms and the people, animals, and objects found on farms. We used this topic to learn vocabulary related to country life. While be were learning about the farm, we practiced describing the locations of things using prepositions of location. We also learned the value of working hard.

As an art activity, we painted and made very nice farm crafts. We had horses, roosters, hens, ducks, cows, sheep, barns and tractors. By giving them a choice of which craft they want to make, we were able to make many different things and the students learned from each other’s crafts.


Our farm crafts displayed outside the classroom.

In Math class we continued to practice addition and subtraction. I was pleasantly surprised by how quickly they picked it up and how easy they find the level of math that is required for this stage.


Sahej is solving a math problem on the interactive white board.

The highlight of the week was definitely the firefighter’s visit on Wednesday. It was a very exciting experience for everyone and we learned many important facts about fire safety.

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Meanwhile the students are enjoying practicing for the Thai Show during Thai class.


Zaid is practicing for the KG2 non-Thai performance for Thai Show.

We always have a fun time in music class.  I will do a post  shortly about what we do in music with some more pictures. For now, here are two pictures of a fun dance activity we did with the music teacher last week.



KG2B working together.

As part of our community theme last week, we talked about the value of working together. We ended our week with a group project where each student contributed a large picture. This project also ties in with science, as it depicts the water cycle. The students were very excited to see what the finished project will look like and they are proud of the parts they worked on. They are also aware that by each doing their part to contribute, we were able to put together a nice big picture in a short amount of time.

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KG2B Students at Fun Day.

Here are some pictures of KG2B students on Fun Day.


Nada is doing clay painting with her little sister.


Hop is getting his face painted to look like a dinosaur.


Zaid shows the nice cupcake he decorated and looks about ready to eat it!


Sahej looks beautiful with her matching butterfly face paint.


Heng LOVES dinosaurs. In fact, we created this face paint design especially for him.


Sahej is decorating a cupcake with her farther’s help.


Najib is decorating cupcakes with family.



Warut did the clay painting with his mother.


The highlight of the day for the children was definitely the bouncy castle. Here Najib is having a great time going down the slide.


Hop is getting ready to go down the big slide.


Learning through imaginative play.

This week we are talking about our community. As one of our activities to practice vocabulary, we dressed up as different people in our community.  We had a police officer, handyman, doctor, patient, chef, sales person and some firemen. The students had to cooperate and play together. By doing this, children learn how to take turns, share responsibility, and creatively solve problems. They all had fun pretending to be someone else and we had some very interesting stories unfold.

Dr. Sahej reporting for duty.

Dr. Sahej reporting for duty.

Our handyman Nada, or handygirl rather, visits the doctor for a quick check-up.

Zaid played the part of an x-ray patient.

Zaid played the part of an x-ray patient.

Heng was a very good police officer. He used his  walkie-talkie to call the firefighters for help.

Heng was a very good police officer. He used his walkie-talkie to call the firefighters for help.

Here Nada is the doctor.

Here Nada is the doctor.

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After his x-ray Zaid went back to work as a chef.

After his x-ray Zaid went back to work as a chef.


KG2B: Learning about craft materials.

This week we finished with the our language learning theme called “Making Toys”. We did many different activities, allowing us to talk and learn about different materials we can use to make things. We also practised describing the size and color of objects, and how to ask for things using polite requests.

Nada is making a picture using paint, sponges and tape.

Nada is making a picture using paint, sponges and tape.

Sahej is making her hand puppet.

Sahej is making her hand puppet.

Abdulhadi really enjoyed playing with his puppet.

Abdulhadi really enjoyed playing with his puppet.

Nadeem and Ahad show their hand puppets.

Nadeem and Ahad show their hand puppets.

Our completed hand puppets.

Our completed hand puppets.

The pinwheels we made using paper, crayons, and straws.

The pinwheels we made using paper, crayons, and straws.

Tatyana paints her bunny mask.

Tatyana paints her bunny mask.

In Math we are now counting up to high numbers, practising number bonds and starting with addition. This week we also reviewed the concept of weight. The students can now compare two things and describe one thing as being heavier or lighter than another.

The students enjoyed exploring the concept of weight with the scale.

The students enjoyed exploring the concept of weight with the scale.

Heng tries to balance the scales using different objects.

Heng tries to balance the scale using different objects.


KG2B Weekend project: Show and Tell.

As a homework assignment over the long weekend, each student received a bag with some craft materials and was asked to make something at home. The completed projects were sent to school on Monday for a Show and Tell. It was very exciting to see what everyone made. The children were able to see that there are so many different things one can make with the same materials. They were also able to see that even though each project is different, they are all nice in their own unique way.

Some of the crafts for the Show and Tell activity.

Some of the crafts for the Show and Tell activity.

Nadeem made this nice card with a swing in the tree.

Nadeem made this nice card with a swing in the tree.

Heng, Najib and Ahad show their creative crafts.

Heng, Najib and Ahad show their creative crafts.

Hop and Warut showing the nice pictures they made.

Hop and Warut showing the nice pictures they made.

Kausi shows us his great helicopter.

Kausi shows us his great helicopter.

Kani is very proud of the fish tank she made with her mother.

Kani is very proud of the fish tank she made with her mother.

Zaid made a beautiful butterfly mobile.

Zaid made a beautiful butterfly mobile.

Thank you to all the family members who helped with the projects!

KG2 Computer class.

In KG2 computer class the students develop the ability to navigate and use a mouse proficiently, open and close programs, and find letters on the keyboard to type words. They also develop a natural comfort and sense of confidence using technology. We use a variety of educational programs for them to explore. IT class is definitely one of the highlights of the week for the students and they always look forward to Wednesdays as their “computer day”. Here are some pictures of the KG2B students in the computer lab.

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