KG2B is healthy!

During the last two weeks, we have been focusing on the habits that children need to practice to stay healthy. We did activities related to being healthy and discussed how and when to perform certain healthy habits. We learned to identify and name healthy habits like brushing teeth, combing hair, taking a shower, exercising, sleeping, washing hands, eating healthy food, and using a tissue. Here are some pictures of the healthy habits we practice at school.



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KG2B explores color!

KG2B students have been exploring different colors and having fun with paint.

In art class we made pictures using outlines of pictures, painting them, and placing them on backgrounds of a different color. Many of the students have a specific color preference and, when given the choice, will choose one color only.  This activity was great for letting them explore different colors to see how nice some colors can go together. The outcome of the final result was very exciting!


Activities like this help to develop visual discrimination skills, which play an important part in future learning. All aspects of math, including patterning, counting, sorting and graphing depend on keen visual discrimination skills.

Another fun activity was our finger print trees. We used different varieties of the color green and students were allowed to mix and experiment with the different variations. They really enjoyed getting a little messy and playing around with the colors. The trees all turned out really beautiful.

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