KG3B: Field trip to Playtime!

Last Friday we went on field trip. We had been looking forward to this day and when it finally arrived we had so much fun!

2Playtime in the sand pit


1 We did some driving!


4 We each painted a statue!


5 We watched a puppet theater show.


3And we played a lot on the amazing playgrounds!

KG3B: Busy Butterfly Class!

We have been very busy in the Butterfly class!


Kani and Kausi had their birthday on the 12th of October



Sahej had her birthday on the 27th of October



On the 16th of October we had Future Fun Day



Everybody dressed up as what they want to be in the future



Together with a lot of parents we decorated a rocket ship. And some parents built a launching platform. This theme was base on the idea of our classmate Najib who wants to be an astronaut.




The puzzles are still very popular in our class! 



Nadeem is the first person in our class who was able to make a cube out of one of the puzzles. Very well done!





KG3B: Van Gogh and difficult puzzles in the Butterfly Classroom


2Last  week during Art Class we learned about different flowers that where painted by Van Gogh.



3After looking at different paintings by Van Gogh we did a coloring page of the painting ‘Sunflowers’ and we drew some flowers by our selves. 


4After classes and just before we go home we often have a go at solving very difficult puzzles.



Ahad is one of the students that was able to finish one of these puzzles. Very well done! 

The Butterflies and the Color Wheel


In the Butterfly Class we learned about rhyming words and syllables this week and we also studied very hard on our spelling words. During Math we continued focusing on important math concepts like equal to, greater than and less than. In Science class we looked at which tools you can use to do Science. We found out you can use: a measuring cup, a balance, a hand lens, a thermometer and a ruler. During Art Class we learned about the color wheel and we learned that by mixing the primary colors red and yellow you get the secondary color orange. We all started painting our own color wheel:


We painted the yellow part.



We painted the red part.



And we mixed the yellow and red paint to get orange paint and painted the orange part.


Next week the colors purple, blue and green will be added to complete this artwork. To be continued…..