The Butterflies observe the classroom!

4This week was a busy week again in the Butterfly Class! During Language Art class we listened a lot to stories and practiced retelling them. We also learned about characters in a story and we listened to a story with a character in it that had a very funny name! Imagine somebody being called: Tikki Tikki Tembo No Surembo Merry Berry Tip Top Silly Billy Flip Flop Bush Berry Bembo! That must be the funniest name ever! So we had to laugh very hard! In math class we continued to learn about math vocabulary and concepts. We took a very good look at the number zero so everybody now knows that zero is the same as: none, an empty set or nothing. During Science class we learned about science skills. We learned that to do Science you have to observe (hear and see) and measure. So this week we observed our classroom using hand lenses that magnify the things you look at! As you can see on the pictures these hand lenses made our classroom very interesting!

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KG3B: The Butterfly Class!


Based on the sky blue color of our class and a poem from our Language Arts book KG3B will be the butterfly class this year! And we have been busy butterflies in our first whole school week! Last week we started in our new books. In Language Art class we practiced our spelling words, we talked about ‘how everyone is special’ and we reviewed letters from the alphabet. We also practiced writing neatly and retelling the story about the Ugly Duckling. In Math class we took a really good look at the numbers 1 until 3 and math concepts like equal to, less than and more than. In Science class we started with discovering which senses you use while doing science. On top of this all we had a very fun P.E. class!

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KG3B: Balloon Fun!



Last week was the start of the new school year! I was happy to welcome the new KG3B students to their new class! Last week we got used to the classroom routines and we made some great artworks. On Wednesday we made a card for our Mothers for Mother’s Day. On Thursday we decorated butterflies to decorate the outside of our classroom and on Friday we made drawings of our own face for our classroom birthday calendar. On our first day of school there was also a big surprise for us. A balloon man came to our classroom to give us all a beautiful balloon!

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KG3B: Happy Birthday!

Just before the holiday KG3B had a lot of celebrations. Last week we celebrated Ansh his birthday and this week we celebrated Zafer’s birthday! Congratulations dear Ansh and Zafer!

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During the holiday two other friends of ours are going to have their birthday. On the 10th of July Cooper will celebrate his 6th birthday.


And on the 21st of July also Dua will celebrate her 6th birthday.  Congratulations (in advance) to Cooper and Dua!


KG3B is ready for Grade 1!


Last week we learned about the ‘oi’ sound in Phonics class. We learned about parts of plants in Science class and we did a lot of revision on Math and Language by playing games and singing songs. As we are nearing the end of the year it was also time to have a look at where we are going next year. So on Thursday afternoon we all went upstairs to have a look in the classroom of Grade 1B. Teacher Michael and the students of Grade 1B showed us how much fun they have while playing Math games in Math class. Thanks a lot Teacher Michael and students of Grade 1B for letting us having a look in your class! I think it gave everybody a  nice peak on what to expect next year.

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KG3B learns about what plants need

2Last week we revised difficult ‘oa’ sound during our Spelling and Phonics practice. This is a very difficult sound because it can be written in three different ways: ‘oa, ow or o_e.’ So we had to learn by head which way of writing this sound we had to use during the spelling test on Friday. Even though the sound of the week was difficult I think everybody did very well at the spelling test on Friday!

During Language class we did some revision about the front cover, rear cover and title page of a book and the characters, settings and major events in a story. We also looked at illustrations in books and how these illustrations help to tell the story. Math class was about subtraction and during Art class we painted rectangular prisms that are going to be the buildings in our rectangular prism town. During Science class we learned about what plants need and we gave the plants in our classroom some water.




KG3B’s Spelling Bee Champions!


This week Math was about addition and subtraction and in Language class we listened to stories and poems. In Science class we learned about different kinds of plants and we learned about the difference between small and adult animals and we learned about what animals need to live. In Phonics class we practiced with the spelling words for the Spelling Bee Competition and we did exercises in our Phonics books. On Friday the Spelling Bee Competition was organized in the auditorium. The five best spellers from our class competed in this competition against KG3A and won! Very well done Ansh, Aslaan, Dua, Natasha and Preeti! We are all very proud of you!

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KG3B builts Cylinder Town


This week we practiced a lot of words in class for the Spelling Bee Competition. The five students that did best in the spelling test on Friday are next Friday going to compete against the five best students of KG3A. We also practiced again for our Graduation Performance. In Math class we learned about the time and we did addition and in Language class we wrote about something that makes us happy. After we wrote about this we worked together with one of our classmates to improve our writing. So this week everybody got to be a teacher for a little while! In Art class we first painted cylinders after which we put windows in the shape of circles on these cylinders to create the buildings of Cylinder Town.

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KG3B experiments with science tools


After the Sonkran Holiday it was back to business again last week. On Monday we welcomed a new friend in our class. Welcome Gam! We hope you will have a wonderful time at Pan-Asia! In Phonics class we learned about the ‘ou’ sound and in Math class we learned about money. Language class was about capital and lower case letters and we reviewed our knowledge about books by looking at the title, author, illustrator, front cover, rear cover and title page of the books in our class library. Furthermore we started practicing for our Graduation Show and in Science class we learned about science tools. During the Songkran Holiday Noor had her birthday and on Thursday Preeti celebrated her birthday with us. These two ladies now reached the respectable age of 6 years. Congratulations girls!

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KG3B: Happy Songkran Show!


The week before the Songkran Holiday was very short because we had Holiday on Monday and on Friday we celebrated Songkran. This means we only had 3 days to practice our difficult spelling words. Math was about measurement and weight this week and Science was about magnets. During Art class we cut out a rhombus. A rhombus is one of the shapes we learned about earlier in Math class. Our highlight of the week was the Songkran celebration in which class KG3B performed in 2 dance shows together with class KG3A. I have to say I really enjoyed watching the impressive shows of the KG3 classes and I am really proud of our students! I’m sure you as parents must feel the same. Big thanks to the Thai teachers for studying the dances with the students and making them look so beautiful in their costumes! With this blog of course as always I include some pictures. Have a look and enjoy the show once again 🙂


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