Goodbye KG2A!

We had a fun final week together in KG2A. First we celebrated Shouq receiving Student of the Month for May.


Shouq’s behaviour has dramatically improved over the course of the year. She is now a happy student that has a lot of fun at school. I hope this continues into KG3.

We then had a farewell party on Thursday and we also celebrated Khaleel’s birthday which will be during the school holidays. Happy birthday Khaleel. I hope you have a great day!


We finished with the KG3 Graduation ceremony on Friday where KG2A performed our dance ‘We go together’ perfectly!

Goodbye KG2A – I will miss you!

KG2A goes camping!

As we were learning about camping in the last unit of our Pockets book, one afternoon we decided to go on a trip of our own.

First we got on the bus and sang a song. Meem was the driver!


Then we put up our tent. Before going inside though, we collected some rocks and sticks to make a campfire. Time for another song! When it was bedtime, we got inside the tent….


Then the next day we put on our life vests and went on the raft and sang Row Row Row Your Boat.


Then it was time to go back to class!

KG2A Spelling Bee Champions!

Congratulations to the five students who represented KG2A today in the Spelling Bee competition.


The words were very challenging but they managed to spell almost all of them correctly, even difficult ones like ‘balloon’ and ‘sixteen’.

In the end, because both classes were so good, we had to have a number of tie-breakers. The students were so good at spelling, in the end we had to rely on speed to decide the winner.

Purim performed excellently under pressure and spelt ‘broom’ very quickly to win us the title!

Well done Ayesha, Meetu, Khaleel, Tibah and Purim!


KG2A making picture frames with pasta!

Last week we were talking about the restaurant and what we can eat there, such as spaghetti. However there are lots of other kinds of pasta you can eat and we used some of them to decorate picture frames!



Here are some of the final products.


This week we will start a new topic in our Pockets book called Lets Go Somewhere, so we’ll be talking about some fun trips you can take and how you can get there.

In maths we will be revising time and how we complete tasks in the right order, such as packing a suitcase or brushing our teeth.

In phonics, we will talk about the letter X and the sound it makes. We will also be reading I Can Hop. We’ll also start to practice spelling our words for the Spelling Bee which will take place next Friday (9th May). The top spellers from each class will compete for the title! I will send home a list of words so you can help the students practice.

Have a great week.

KG2A YoYo Land Field Trip

Last week, the Kindergarten department took a much anticipated trip to YoYo Land. The excitement was palpable and the students talked about nothing else all week!


On arrival, we posed with the YoYo Land mascot for class pictures taken by a professional photographer, but the students were just keen to get inside. After a quick snack, we followed our leader for the day who took us to a variety of rides and activities.


We took a tour of the park by train, drove emergency vehicles in a convoy and even rode in some boats.





After the rides, we had to get back to work; first as Dinosaur Hunters! We watched a video about the equipment we would need, such as gloves, brushes and microscopes. We kitted up with hats and boots and headed to the ‘desert’ to see what we could uncover. It was a fruitful dig, and we discovered plenty of ancient dinosaur fossils!



Only time for a quick lunch though as we had more work to do; this time putting out fires. After a short video of how Fireman Sam does it, we slid down to the fire truck and off we went to a hotel fire. We used fire hoses to spray the building but unfortunately we couldn’t disarm the bomb in time! The explosion was loud and scary but no-one was hurt and we managed to extinguish the fire in the end.




After all that hard work, it was good to chill out in the ball pool before heading back to school and a quick nap on the bus!








KG2A Week in Review

We’ve been continuing our topic on clothes this week so on Wednesday we went shopping! Everyone was invited to spend some money at T. Sarah’s shop and wear the items they bought.


Once everyone had made their purchases, we put on some music and had a fashion show. The students showed off their new clothes and told everyone what they were wearing.




Later in the day, we had art class in which the students made their own clothes for the models using newspaper!






The final products! Available in shops soon!

KG2A Designing our own T-shirts

Our latest topic in class is all about the clothes we wear. A lot of the vocabulary in the Pockets book refers to the clothes that we have to wear for work and school such as uniforms and suits. So in art last week the students were given the opportunity to use their imaginations and design their very own t-shirts.


We used lots of glue, coloured crayons and anything else we could find; ribbons, sequins and glitter!


Here you can see the final products on display.
