KG2A Week 11 Plan

This week we begin our fourth and final unit; How We Express Ourselves. As part of that, our new chapter in Pockets is called What We Wear. We will be learning lots of clothes vocabulary and how we dress in different circumstances. It’s a good opportunity for us to seek out some ‘dressing up clothes’ and experiment with some different outfits!

In maths this week, we return to subtraction, but this time we’re working with numbers up to 10. The children are told that the first number in the sum relates to the number of pictures/objects they can see; the second number refers to the number they must cross out. Once they have crossed out the right number, they can then count to see how many are left. This is what they will be required to do for homework this week.

In phonics, our sound is ‘v’. It’s a hard sound for some students, depending on their native language so I’m always reminding them to put their top teeth on their bottom lip! I’m very pleased with the way most of the students are coming on with their reading skills. I can see that lots of them are practicing at home at the weekend. I really appreciate your support with this.

Have a good week!

KG2A Week in review

It’s been an exciting week in KG2A, not least because we had some firefighters visit the school on Wednesday. Don’t be alarmed though; they came to tell us all about how to stay safe in the case of a fire. The most important thing we learnt was to tell an adult if we see a fire. Then we have to get outside by staying low and covering our nose and mouth.



We saw some teachers practising putting out a fire with a fire extinguisher but the biggest surprise was the appearance of Spiderman! The students were also able to go inside the firetruck and even go up on the cherry picker!




Despite the students being very excited about the firefighter visit, we still managed to do some work in class. It was our last week talking about the farm so we made a model of one, complete with all the animals. There were nose snakes than you’d expect to see on a real farm but they are easy to make with clay!




But our proudest achievement of the week was our egg cress. We successfully managed to produce healthy plants from tiny seeds. The children now understand that the plants that the farmer grows, are living things, just like us, and they need food, water and light too.







Week 10 in KG2A

It’s great to be back in Thailand and to see the KG2A students again!

This week we will be completing our chapter about the farm, and consequently, unit 3 ‘How the world works’. As part of this topic, we’ve been talking about day and night, plants and animals. In fact, we will attempt to grow our own plants in class!

In phonics, we’re identifying the /ng/ sound this week. It’s a difficult one because it’s only subtly different from the /n/ sound and the shape of our mouths is hard for the students to see. However, we will talk about the words that contain this sound every day so hopefully they will start to hear a pattern.

It’s back to addition in maths; this time we go up to 10. I’m pleased at how quickly most of the students have picked up the addition and subtraction concepts.

The children are very excited at the minute because, recently after discussing firefighters in Our Community, we will have some visit us on Wednesday! They will be explaining about fire safety and we will also have a fire drill. We’ve been talking about this a lot in class so the students know what to expect.

Check back at the end of the week and hopefully I’ll have some photos of our successful plant growing!

KG2A Week in review

The highlight of our week in KG2A was kite making and of course, flying! We used all the materials that we’ve been talking about in our Pockets chapter.


It also gave us the opportunity to practicing our value – don’t be wasteful, and only use what you need.


Ufuk painting


Anisa's colourful kite


Even our new student, Moad joined in

But the best bit was flying them outside on Thursday.





After reading about some students who piled up toys until they fell down (the children brought this book home with them), we tried the same thing in class with art materials! It enabled us to practice using the word ‘on’. It was funny when the tower fell down!


We also revisited the topic of ‘weight’ in maths this week, but this time we talked about balance scales and what happens when we put two objects on them. The students collected items from around the room and put them in the baskets to see which one was heavier and which one was lighter.


Then we drew the items on the board.


The students now know that heavier items go down and lighter items go up.

Well, I wish you all a great weekend and I’ll hopefully get to see everyone at some point next week.

KG2A Week 6 Plan

Welcome back to school students I hope everyone had a good weekend. We know that Purim had a fun time at Disneyland in Hong Kong! He very generously brought pens back for everyone in the class! Thank you Purim!


We will complete our topic in Pockets this week about ‘Making Toys’, so we will continue discussions about art materials and creativity. Our value in this chapter is ‘don’t be wasteful’, which we will be putting into practice when we make kites in art on Wednesday. Hopefully we will get the chance to fly our kites outside when they are dry.

In maths, we will review weight which we touched on last semester. This time, however, I will introduce the students to the effects of heavy and light items on weighing scales.

Our sound in phonics this week is /ee/ so by the end of the week the students will be able to identify lots of words that have this sound. The idea of rhyming sounds has been of much interest to the class and is never far from our conversations. Many books we read contain rhyming words and the students are becoming very adept at pointing them out. Our blending is also going well, so I will introduce them to a very simple ‘decodeable’ book this week which they should be able to read by themselves by sounding out each letter.

I will also be sending some information home this week about the upcoming parent-teacher conference. I hope I will get the chance to talk with you all.

Here’s to another great week!

KG2A Week in review

This week we’ve been talking about materials that we use in art. It was a good opportunity to talk about sharing and asking for things nicely. After practising a few times, I set the students the task of drawing rainbows but only gave them one crayon each! In order to complete their pictures they had to ask to borrow coloured crayons from their friends.


Tibah asking to borrow from Purim and Zain


Meetu, Ceyda and Anisa sharing nicely

We then used some more art materials later in the week. Some people will celebrate Valentine’s Day tomorrow, so the student made a card to give to someone they love… perhaps they have already given it to you!


Fatima getting stuck in


Ali making his mark


Ayesha caught red-handed!


Lots of love


Meetu's message

The atmosphere in class is helpful and friendly. Here are Shouq and Uno helping each other make the bed.


Shouq and Uno working together

Earlier this week, after I’d read a story, Ayesha volunteered to read the class her own story featuring all the members of our class! Here is everyone listening attentively.


Everyone is captivated with Ayesha's story

I hope everyone has a great long weekend and I’ll update about next week’s plan on Monday. Here’s a nice picture of the girls to brighten your day.


KG2A girls