Nursery: Dinosaur Week

Last week, we were all excited because we talked about one of our favorite topic, “Dinosaurs”. We all enjoyed  our Dinosaur Fossil Activity using play dough that we made in the class.

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We also painted big  dinosaurs that we brought home to show to our moms and dads.

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Our letter for last week is letter I as in igloo, iguana and insect.


We also learned about number 8 and we made number 8 spiders with 8 legs.

We also feed our hungry monkeys with 8 bananas to add more fun.


And since we have new friends joining our class for the March Mellow Camp, we also did lots

of jumping and rolling with T. Omar during our gymnastic class.


NURSERY: Pretend Play

This time of the year , our nursery kids are really into pretend play. As a teacher, I am both amazed and proud of my students’ ability to initiate this kind of play that clearly shows how ready they are socially, emotionally and intellectually as well. Young as they are, they accept each others’ role and organize themselves with very minimal support from adults.

” Teacher Julia, I want to teach today!…. It’s my turn today!”

Well, to sum it up, I am posting videos of my little teachers here:

Malak is the youngest in our class. Sweet and adorable,she just turned 2 last January.

Sabeela will be turning 3 this month. smart and charming, she has the quality of a good leader.

Zehra just turned 3 this month, she is our lovely  class mathematician, she knows her numbers by heart

KG 2A – semester 2, week 8

Welcome to week 8! We are almost half way through the semester and continue to work hard – we’re all growing up very fast!

Letters of the week: We have been practicing letters Ff and Bb – we learned the sounds and actions and practiced writing the letters to help our hand muscles remember. We matched simple words with their pictures by looking at the first letter, for example hen, mat and pen. We also chose the correct starting letter for words out of 4 options and did a great job! We are starting to get really confident sounding out letters to be able to read our weekly words, again I have seen huge jumps in the children’s ability in doing this. Please try to spend 5 minutes a day at home reading these words together – I am sure you will also be impressed with what they can do!


Pockets: We started a new unit, ‘Let’s Go to the Farm.’ First, we identified people, animals and places on a farm (barn, cow, farmer, field, hen, horse, rooster, sheep), singing songs and playing games to help us to remember them.We also named farm products and talked about where they come from, for example eggs come from hens.

Next week we will continue to learn about farms and make our own sheep!

Here, we are making our own chicks using paper bags and other materials.

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Math: We have been counting up to 30 and whole 10s up to 100. The children have got so excited about their counting skills that they always ask to keep going all the way to 100! We are also starting to get confident at recognizing numbers up to 30 and making them. For example, we count the tens first then the units (10, 20, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34…)

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Music: We love exploring all the instruments our music teacher brings – we can shake shakers, clack castanets and hit sticks! We are learning about different rhythmic patterns and starting to read musical rhythms when written down.

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Students of the Month:

A huge congratulations gos to Chai and Busra, our two students of the month.They have both worked very hard and I’m so proud of their progress – keep it up!

Chai is very confident learning new vocabulary and is always the first to help others. Good work, Chai!

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Busra has grown so much in confidence and has made excellent progress in all subject areas, especially in phonics. Well done, Busra!

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Nursery: Week 6 and 7

We are happy to have a new friend to play and learn with. Welcome to our class Maktoum!

maktoum maktouompet

For the past two weeks, we learned about our favorite pets. By now, your child is already familiar with the names of common pets and how wetake care of them. We learned songs, chants and actions about them an made some arts and crafts related to this theme.


I am also happy to see the kids enjoying our Phonics activity. We learned about the sounds of letters E and F and kids had a great time playing games and singing the Jolly Phonics E and F action song.

To develop their social, cognitive, fine and gross motor skills, kids actively angaged in center activities.


Learning about recycling in Kindergarten 3

Hi everyone!

Here in Kindergarten 3A we have been having so much fun learning about recycling. Although we studied plants last semester, what better way to revise this familiar topic and learn how to reuse old things than to plant our own basil plants?

Firstly, we collected lots of old drinking water bottles that would otherwise end up in landfill sites. Once the teacher carefully cut the tops off and used tape to cover the sharp edges, we had the perfect recycled flowerpots.

We painted our flowerpots, filled them with soil and sprinkled some basil seeds on top. We watered them everyday and soon began to see the seeds grow. Here are some pictures of us proudly holding our flowerpots. We took them home and will look after them by ourselves.

Minh was very proud of his flowerpot!
Tibah tried her best!

Khaleel painted a beautiful design on his pot!

Uno was absent for the painting but we grew him a plant for his return to school.

Purim tried very hard.

Ali looks very proud of his handiwork.

Daniyal always tries his best.

Ayesha puts in a lot of effort.

Meem tried very hard.

A great effort from Anisa!

Here’s Zain with his flowerpot.

Meetu tried hard.

Ufuk put in a lot of effort.

After taking these photos, we bagged up the flowerpots and took them home. We hope you enjoyed our post, thanks for reading!

Happy Birthday Daniyal in KG3A!

We wished Daniyal a very happy birthday today. It’s Thursday, 26 February and Daniyal is six years old today. His friends were very excited as Daniyal arrived this morning with his cake. Waiting all day until the afternoon was quite a challenge!

Finally, the time came to enjoy the cake and we all lined up, ready to go!


A short walk down the corridor and we washed our hands.


We sang Daniyal happy birthday and he blew out the candles. Here is his beautiful cake with six candles.






With supervision, Daniyal cut the cake and made a wish.

We all enjoyed the cake!





From everyone in KG3A, happy birthday Daniyal!

Nursery: Playing and Learning Outside our Classroom

This week, we tried learning outside our classroom and it really made a difference. The kids were happier and were more engaged. We  started with number recognition and most of the children were able to recognize the numbers from 1-10. Those who are still struggling in recognizing the numbers were asked to count objects and point to  the number it represents. This week in Nursery we learned about letter E. They named objects starting with letter E such as elephant, egg, envelope, elbow and elf. We played letter games and we also learned our E song. Our number focus is Number 5.

We also learned the concept of “up and down”. We  talked about our favorite pets and we made a bird cage for our pet. It was a lovely week indeed!


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KG1B Welcome back!

Welcome back!
What a fantastic start to our new year! With all these new and exciting changes to the PAIS kindergarten KG1B couldn’t wait to get started.
Our new library has officially been finished and we were very excited to put it to use!
Take a look at KG1B exploring the new space 🙂



KG1B were full of excitement and enthusiasm over the new sandpit and we loved digging around and building castles! We even traced our names in the sand! Excellent job! KG1!




We’ve quickly settled back into old routines and have been busy exploring our motor skills. Tracing in the sand and building on our hand skills.









As you all will have seen KG1B gave a fantastic performance on international day and soon the DVDs will be available for you to re live the moment.
What an amazing effort from our tiny little kids!!! And a huge thank you for all your support in making our day as special as it was! Well done KG1B we can’t wait to show you what we’ve got planned for the new semester!

See you soon! Looking forward to a fantastic term ahead!

Welcome Back Nursery!

The first week back from a long break is always a different and exciting one. We are all excited about the new changes that are  happening in kindergarten as well as the new faces joining our PAIS family.

We are very happy to welcome Tamem and Alicia to our wonderful class!


Having our area renovated  make us all feel excited to come to school and enjoy the activities with our friends.

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Our new sand pit makes our children busy every morning.Playing in the sand is obviously what every child in our class is looking forward to.


Our birthday girl for this month is Malak. She turned two  last January 3.


Happy Birthday Malak!