Welcome KG2A parents!


Back to school colouring display

Hello KG2A parents! I’m very excited to write my first post for our new blog. I hope you agree that this is a great way of keeping in touch and letting you see some of the things that are going on in our classroom.

It’s been a busy week for all the kindergarten classes as we start our preparations for Sports Day next week. We hope you will be able to join us. We have started practicing our team ‘cheers’ and the students are perfecting their race strategies!

Because of these preparations, and the fact that I am the teacher responsible for organizing the whole event, there has been a slight delay in the setting of homework this semester. However I plan to start sending work home on Monday 27th January. For the time being, the homework will be as follows:

Mondays: Tricky word reading

Tuesdays: Scissor practice

Wednesdays: Maths

Thursdays: Mazes

Fridays: Handwriting practice

We have now finished our first Pockets chapter on People at School. The students are really excited about taking ownership of the work they do in their books.

Every chapter in this series includes a ‘value’ for us to discuss in class. This week we talked about the importance of clearing up. The students were able to offer reasons why we must tidy up after ourselves such as ‘you might fall over your toys’, ‘the toys might get broken’, ‘ants might come for crumbs’ and ‘Mummy and Daddy might get angry’! Here are the students racing to clean up the blocks by sorting them into different colours.


As you can see, they’re going as fast as they can!

20140124_081304 The end result


Next week we start our new chapter on ‘I am healthy’. We are looking forward to talking about healthy habits like hand washing, brushing teeth, exercising (which we will practice in class!) and eating healthily. We will even make some healthy snacks. It’s great that this chapter coincides with Sports Day!