KG 2B – Weeks 8 & 9

Hello everybody! We hope that you had a wonderful time at the KG Carnival yesterday. Thank you to those of you who were able to attend. It is so important to spend quality time with your children and this was a great opportunity to do so!

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POCKETS – We have been very busy in class and have just finished our Pockets Module about the Farmyard. I hope you have all been reviewing farm animals at home with your children! This module was a lot of fun for us to learn and the class really enjoyed acting like animals and making the different sounds that they make!

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JOLLY PHONICS – We have finished the third Jolly Phonics book and students should have a very tight grasp on their letters and letter sounds by now! Please keep on reviewing these at home. We will have a KG Quiz later in the semester and students will show their talents regarding reading and spelling – the more they can review at home, the better their performance will be!

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ART – This week we finished our farmyard module and decided to use our handprints to make some sheep! We also made some bracelets!

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MATH – Most of us are able to order numbers 1 – 20 – good job KG 2B!

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And of course, here are some photos of us playing with our friends!

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KG 2B – Weeks 6 & 7

Hello everybody!

I cannot believe that February is over and that we only of 3 months left in KG 2B! We are going to work very hard over the next 3 months to ensure that we are ready for KG 3! I urge all parents to please do homework with your children everyday. It is so, so important that they repeat their reading words and receive positive reinforcement as often as possible. Thank you to those parents who are reading with your students – it is very clear who is practicing at home!

JOLLY PHONICS – Over the past two weeks we have focused on letters G, O, U and L. This is book 3 in the Jolly Phonics range and the song is available on

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MATH – By now, your child should be able to count confidently from 1 – 20. We spend a lot of time counting individually and even practice outside to make practicing as fun as possible! We have spent a lot of time writing our numbers as well. Students should be able to write from 1 – 10 from memory by now. I urge everyone to practice this at home. You will be surprised at how much your children can remember! I’m very proud of them.

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We have also spent some time ordering numbers from 1 – 20 both individually and in groups. Sometimes we put the numbers in order ourselves and sometimes we correct numbers when they are in the incorrect order (eg: 1, 2, 4, 5, 3 – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

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POCKETS – Our unit for the past two weeks was Our Community. We learnt about different members in our community and what they do to help us.

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And of course, we had a lot of time playing together with our friends.

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We ended the week last week with some amazing bubble painting.

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KG 2B – Week 5


After all the excitement from Sports Day we had to focus really hard on getting back into school routine this week. We are still working through our ‘Making Toys’ unit in Pockets. This week we were lucky enough to have a lesson inside the Land of Dreams. This is such a nice space for our students. After explaining the instructions, I sent them off to find their own spaces to complete their work in – look how well they are working individuallly!

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Of course we did some work in our classroom too!

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I’m very happy to see how nicely the KG 2B students play with one another. Each day they are full of smiles and everyone has a friend to play with. Good job KG 2B!

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We had a wonderful time on Friday creating art projects for our parents as a Valentine’s Day present. We made handprints in the shape of hearts and decorated frames to produce these beautiful creations – we hope you like them!

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KG 2B – Week 4

Last week was exceptionally busy and exciting so I hope everyone had a lovely rest this weekend.

Please remember to continue practicing JOLLY PHONICS at home with your child and encourage them to count and read out letters in English as often as possible.


This week we had a special guest from the Prawet District Office visit our school for the official opening of the new Kindergarten Department and the ‘Land of Dreams.’ There is a wonderful atmosphere in the KG area now that all the renovations are complete and we really hope you all enjoy the space as much as your children do.

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Thank you so much to all the parents who supported us on Sports Day. It was an incredible day and so much fun for all involved! Please encourage your children to do some kind of physical activity – it is essential for them to strengthen their muscles and their core to avoid any difficulties they may have in the future.

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Congratulations to the Red Team for winning the best team cheer award and congratulations to the Green Team for being the overall winners of Sports Day.

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On Friday, KG 2B made our very own playdough! This activity required our students to practice patience group work and listening skills. THey worked in groups of 4-5 students so the process took a lot of waiting and co-operation and I am proud to say they did a fantastic job!

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KG 2B – Week 3

We are three weeks into the term and everyone has settled into routine beautifully! I’m so proud of how well are class is doing and how nicely everyone had improved!

Congratulations to Muna and Amir who were awarded Student of the Month for December and January respectively. You both did such a great job and I am exceptionally proud of you both.

By now you have all received a notice about KG Sports Day – which is taking place on Thursday, 5 February 2015. Please ensure your child is dressed in a PAIS Sports Shirt and that they are wearing the correct colour (letters have been sent home indicating team colour and there is also a list outside the classroom).

I’d also like to urge parents to complete homework with their children everyday – our words for last week were I, the it, sit and tap. Please, please, do not forget to practice with your child EVERYDAY.

JOLLY PHONICS – this week we learnt letters ‘M’ and ‘D’. This is the end of Book 2 in the Jolly phonics series – your child should now be able to write or at least recognise the following letters: s, a, t, i, p, n, c, k, e, h, r, m & d.

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MATH – We practised counting from 1 to 40 in class this week as well as writing numbers 1 through 10 from memory.

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POCKETS – Our unit theme for Pockets this week was ‘Making toys’. I hope you all found the vocabulary list in your communication books. Please practice these words at home and maybe even makes some toys with your children!


ART – this week we used white crayons and watercolour paint to make some artwork.

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As you can see in the photos below, KG 2B is having a lot of fun this semester and I hope the continue to do so!

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KG 2B – Week 2

We had another wonderful week in KG 2B this week. Our students are maturing so beautifully and it is wonderful working with them everyday.

JOLLY PHONICS – new letters for this week were and r. On Monday we will be starting our new homework curriculum and these letters will be included. Please continue practising reading and sounding out letters with your child.

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POCKETS – we continued with our ‘I am Healthy’ module this week. I will be sending a small book home on Monday that I encourage you all to read with your students so that they can remember all we’ve learnt so far.

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MATH – this week we counted from 1 to 35. We used toys, counters and various other objects to count with.

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iPADS – during iPad time, students often help one another navigate through various apps or games and it is incredible to see them working together without any guidance or requests from me.

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ART – every Friday we’ll do an art project. This Friday we made turtles. Our students do all cutting, pasting, painting and decorating on their own. They turned out exceptionally well.

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P.E & SWIMMING CLASS – now that the weather is a little cooler, we no longer have swimming class. Instead, Teacher Marlon teaches us P.E. The students ha an incredible time learning and playing with him on Tuesday!

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And finally, some photos of us having fun.

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KG 2B – Week 1 – Welcome back to school!

Welcome back to school everyone! I hope you all had an exceptional holiday and enjoyed spending time with your loved ones. Everyone returned to school looking fresh, happy and excited so I’m sure we will have another fantastic semester! Semester 2 will be a busy and fruitful semester and I am so excited to continue teaching the students of KG 2B and having the privilege to watch them learn and grow!

Our Department has undergone a few changes over the holidays and the KG corridor is now a quiet, safe place for our students to walk and play. We hope you are all as excited by the improvements as we are! As you can see our class loves the new library-play area; we’ve even had some lessons there!

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Happy Birthday to Patcy and Adnan who celebrated their birthdays over the holidays and also to Scarlett who celebrated hers this weekend!

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This semester we will be placing a lot of emphasis on phonics and hope to introduce CVC words (reading) in the next few weeks. It will be wonderful if you could read with your child everyday and including CVC words in these activities would be great!

JOLLY PHONICS – The letters we have covered thus far are: s, a, t, i, p, n, ck and e. You can use these letters to form any CVC words with your child – they will be updated weekly. Some examples for this week are: cat, pin, at, pen, pit.

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POCKETS – Our current module is ‘I am Healthy’. Please continue to reinforce healthy habits with your child as often as possible. This week we learn about exercising, washing our hands, blowing our noses, combing our hair and a few others.

MATH – This week we counted from 1 to 30 and spent a lot of time using our listening skills to create accurate pattens.

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Of course, a very important part of Kindergarten, if not the most important part, is learning how to socialise through both free and structured play. Play time builds various skills – conflict resolution strategies, team work, sharing and patience. Our class plays very nicely together and are exceptionally kind towards one another. Great job KG 2B!

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KG 2B – Week 17

Hello everybody! We have been working very hard in KG 2B with our International Day rehearsals and finishing Unit 1 of our new Pockets curriculum. We revised 8 different people that work in our school – the gatekeeper, bus driver, secretary, cashier, music teacher, gym teacher, principal and janitor. This week we looked at some pictures and identified which people in our school work in which rooms.

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KG 2B loves to paint and create beautiful things. This week we did a joint art project (with KG 2A) and created a beautiful combined piece. Students had to be exceptionally patient as only one hand print could be painted at a time. They did an excellent job!

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Here we are painting papers that are the same colours as the Sri Lankan flag – all in preparation for Saturday.

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On Friday we worked on decorating our elephants. This process took a lot of time and concentration. Students had to use tiny sticks to apply glue to their paintings and then chose from a variety of glitter colours to decorate them.

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We are working very hard to help our students form new and strong friendships – please encourage your children to speak about their friends at school!

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Week 12 in KG 2B

As you all know, International Day is approaching quickly and KG 2B will start preparing our outfits and performance as of this week. Please ensure to check your communication books regularly in order to keep up-to-date with what is required of you. On Monday we spent some time on the Kindergarten stage so that we can be comfortable for International Day.

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We also had our first full Library session this week. I was very happy to see how beautifully everyone handled their Library books and how well they behaved in the Library. Please encourage your children to spend time with books, imagination is everything!

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This week KG 2B has started the Jolly Phonics curriculum. We are very lucky to have brand new books and the students were all very motivated when they saw them. I am happy to say that everyone worked neatly and carefully in their books and I look forward to seeing a major improvement in their phonics and pronunciation over the next few weeks!

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We had more swimmers than usual this week which was excellent! Our students are always SO happy during swimming class!

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All of us at Pan Asia celebrated Loy Krathong festival on Thursday. Thank you to all the parents, your children looked lovely in their traditional dress! We are very lucky to have such supportive parents in KG 2B and I appreciate your involvement so, so much.

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On Friday we had a lot of time decorating bottles with beads, glitter and sequins. Then we went outside, and planted seeds in our bottles so that we can take plants home once they grow.

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KG 2B – Weeks 10 & 11

KG 2B was so busy during October that the month seems to have flown by! We hope that everyone had a lovely time and that November is just as wonderful.

As always, we have spent a lot of time focusing on the alphabet as well as on numbers. Please remember to practice counting everyday – some of our students can already count to 40! We are also becoming much faster at recognizing and forming English letters – good job everyone!

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We celebrated Sita’s birthday in class and we were all treated with delicious food and even some presents! SIta looked beautiful in her princess dress and we wish her all the best for the next year in her life. Our celebration was so big that we even invited KG 2A to come and join us!

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Our class is still enjoying their swimming lessons but unfortunately not many students remember to bring their swimsuits to school. Please try and join us for swimming this week as it is great fun and also a very good skill to have!

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During our art class this week we were given carte blanche with what we wanted to paint. Some students experimented with mixing colours and everyone enjoyed painting with sponges. We had so much fun that we ended up with paint everywhere!

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I am happy to say that our math skills are developing nicely and almost everyone is able to work from their math books independently. Last week I saw a lot of students taking initiative and helping their friends which was exceptional! Good job KG 2B.

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As you know, KG 2B will be representing Sri Lanka for International Day. We used pastels for the first time in class to draw the Sri Lankan flag. We decided that it was a bit difficult to draw a lion so teacher printed some for us to cut out instead.

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I am proud to say that we have some aspiring actors and actresses in our class. Here are some photos of us warming up our faces. The instructions were: make a big face and make a small face.

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To round off, I am very happy with the students in KG 2B. Their social and emotional skills are developing beautifully and I hope you are all able to see the positive growth and changes in your children.