KG 2B – Weeks 6 & 7

The past two weeks were very eventful for KG 2B. I’d like to thank all the parents who attended the KG 2 Barbecue as well as the Parent-Teacher conference. It was lovely to meet all of you and please feel free to come say hi to us in class anytime!

Last week we saw the end of September and awarded our first STUDENT OF THE MONTH. Adnan was awarded Student of the Month for September because of his willingness to help and participate. He always helps during clean up time without being asked and is always the first to volunteer. Congratulations Adnan we are SO proud of you! Keep up the good work!


We have spent a lot of time on the importance of writing our names correctly. We are learning about Big letters and Small letters and when it is appropriate to use them. Here are some photos of us practising writing our names properly.

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Some of the students decided it would be fun to be teachers during Circle Time. They sat in front of the classroom and taught Teacher Shante, Teacher Yah and P. Tip how to count. Not only is this a lovely way for them to boost their self-confidence but also inspired some of our quitter students to speak up and share their knowledge.

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We celebrated Rayan’s Birthday last week. Thank you Rayan for the delicious cake you brought to school and for all the presents that you brought for your friends! We had so much fun celebrating with you!

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We have spent a lot of time counting by memory and last week we started learning how to write the numbers from memory. At the moment everybody should be able to write from 1-10. Once we had finished practising as a class, everyone had a chance t write any and all numbers that the could from memory – look how well they all did!

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For our craft activity we made squares. Each student had to count out the correct number of popsicle sticks as well as the correct number of beads. Then they worked individually to make beautiful squares! You can see them on the wall outside our classroom.

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Keep working hard KG 2B you are doing such a wonderful job and I am so proud of all of you!

Please remember to practise the Alphabet and counting as often as possible – I would like everyone to be able to count to 40 in the next few weeks.

KG 2B – Week 5

This week we started a new unit called ‘All about me’. We will spend the next four weeks learning about the things that make us special and unique. Most importantly we will learn that we are all different and that is what makes us special.

Our first outside activity this week was about shapes. We went to the jungle gym together and identified different shapes as a group. We found circles, squares, triangles and rectangles. Later we practiced our listening skills on the playground by running towards the shapes that our teacher called out. Sometimes our teacher would check that we were listening by saying one shape and then pointing to a different one!

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In P.E. this week we did an obstacle course which helped us develop our balance and follow instructions. I’m also very happy to say that almost our whole class joined in swimming this week – good job KG 2B!

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We spent a lot of time using counters during math time. We use counters to help us with counting on and also to practice copying patterns.

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In our phonics lessons this week we focused on letters ‘F’ and ‘P’.

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Our main shape this week was the triangle. Here are some photos of us making various triangles and sticking them all together to make something beautiful. This activity took a lot of effort and concentration as we did all the work on our own! First we stuck popsicle sticks together to form a triangle. Then we traced the outside and inside of the popsicle stick triangle onto paper – and then cut those two triangles out. Then we stuck the paper triangles to the popsicle triangle and decorated them beautifully! Good job everybody!

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On Friday we had a special activity that allowed us to highlight the things that make us special! We went outside and traced our bodies on the ground with chalk. After that we decorated them to look like ourselves. All our pictures looked different and all of them were beautiful!

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KG 2B – Week 4

KG 2B did lots of new activities this week. I’m so proud of how well everyone worked together and I hope that we can have more exciting weeks like this one.

One of the highlights of the week was our Science lesson. Our whole class went outside and collected different items from nature. We found flowers, leaves, sticks and stones. Everyone worked together and some students were kind enough to share their items with their friends. After our exploration outside we took our findings into class and looked at them through magnifying glasses!

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We had lots of fun finger painting the letter ‘A’. You can see our beautiful paintings on the wall outside the classroom!


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We introduced the abacus into our morning routine and started work in our new maths books. Now that we’ve been taught how to count with an abacus – we can use it to practice counting during playtime!


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After reviewing shapes together on our smart board we used playdough to create the shapes on our own.

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We had another great swimming lesson this week. Special mention goes out to Amir who was brave enough to climb into the pool this week! Well done Amir I’m very proud of you!

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This Friday our class had our first show and tell session. This is a special time where we can bring something from home and tell our classmates all about it. We sometimes feel more comfortable doing public speaking when we have something familiar with us. Everyone did their very best and should be very proud of themselves. Special mention goes to Memoona who spoke nice and clearly to the class. Thank you everybody for sharing all your special toys with us!

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To end off, here are some beautiful circles that we traced and colored together.

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KG 2B – Week 3

In class this week we focused on the importance of working together and getting to know one another. The highlight of the week was definitely our first P.E. lesson. We learnt how to pass a hula hoop to our friends using only our bodies and not our hands. It took a lot of practise but eventually we learnt to work as a team and we had a lot of fun!



In Maths we continue building the foundations for one-to-one correspondence – where we learn that each time we count, that number is representing ‘one more’. Using counters helps us to visualise how this works. We did some group activities where we used flash cards to represent items on the board and then practised counting with counters individually.


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This week we introduced the topic of similarities and differences. We spoke about differences in people, animals, sports and nature. After a class discussion we spoke about trees and how they look different at different times of the year. Then we painted trees with different colour leaves.

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As per usual, students had an exceptional time during their swimming lesson. I encourage all students to take part in swimming class this week!

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KG 2B – What happens in our classroom?

Our theme for the week was all about what happens in our classroom. We spent a lot of time focusing on objects we see in our classroom that we don’t see at home. We also looked at some photos to compare our classroom to others around the world.

We did a lot of maths activities that focused on counting and grouping. We worked together as a class, then in teams and then individually to learn about the concept of grouping and what the term ‘a group of …’ means.






During Literacy time we were introduced to letters ‘A,’ ‘S,’ ‘D’ and ‘M’. First we discussed words and objects starting with each letter and then we practised letter formations on our SmartBoard.



We had another great swimming lesson this week where we practised kicking and swimming with a board. In music class we sang a song about rain and thunder – then we used instruments to make those sounds.





We practised our motor skills in a threading activity and had a lot of fun drawing ‘a friendly classroom’ during our art lesson.





Welcome to KG 2B! Weeks 1 & 2

Welcome to the new school year everyone! The last two weeks have gone by so quickly and we’ve had so much fun learning and playing together. Many things have happened in the past few days and here are some of the highlights!

On the first day of school we made blue Mother’s Day cards and had a balloon man come to visit us. 

Muna, Nawaz & Adnan

Muna, Nawaz & Adnan

Waiting for balloons

Waiting for balloons



In our first week of school we had our first iPad and music lessons. We learnt how to form the letter ‘A’ and spent some time playing with our friends.

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Last week we learnt about things that happen at school. We practised counting from 1 -10 and sang the ABC song everyday. We learnt about the importance of a friendly classroom and what to do when we see someone who feels sad. We also had a lot of fun during our first swimming lesson as well as our first P.E. lesson. 


We drew ourselves on paper plates and used them to make flowers for our classroom door.

We drew ourselves on paper plates and used them to make flowers for our classroom door.

We practised writing our names.

We practised writing our names.

 Tuesday was our first swimming lesson!

Muna, Honey & Amir getting ready for the water!

Muna, Honey & Amir getting ready for the water!


On Wednesday we had P.E.. Our teacher taught us how to jump with both feet together and showed us how to balance by holding both our arms out straight. We also played with a parachute! 


Thursday we worked together and learnt how to order and rearrange numbers. We also learnt about different emotions.



On Friday we had an Art lesson and learnt how colours can change when we mix them together.20140822_102812



Here are some photos from our first day at school. We hope that the rest of the year is an exciting and happy one!
