Week 12 in KG2A!

We would first of all like to say a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Fadin, our student of the month for October. Fadin started the year speaking no English but, with 100% effort, is now starting to speak more and more! Keep trying hard, Fadin and keep smiling your lovely smile!


This week, we were very excited to start our new phonics scheme, ‘Jolly Phonics!’ We got our brand new books where we wrote our names and colored the name frame. William did such a beautiful job that Teacher Bushra gave him a present – he was so proud and so were all the manatees! Then, we practiced the letters ‘s’ and ‘a,’ singing songs, writing the letters in the air and finding words that have those letters.

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We also had our reading session on Friday morning, where we enjoyed looking through books from our library.


During our PE lesson, we practiced our throwing and catching skills. Then we ran, jumped, and practiced our coordination with an obstacle course!


We love using computers in KG 2A – we play all sorts of learning games and really like sharing our fun with our friends!

Here we are using http://www.abcya.com – try it at home!

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This week has been a big week for celebrations! First of all, Thursday was a special day in Thailand. We all dressed up in beautiful Thai costumes and performed to the whole school – everyone loved watching us and said we did a great job!

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In the afternoon, some of celebrated Loy Krathong – we put a krathong into the water to say thank you and sorry for making it dirty. The rest of us colored some beautiful pictures and enjoyed being outside!

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Then, we all got a present from Teacher Sumalee to say well done for participating so nicely!

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On Friday, we celebrated the story of Noah with some delicious Ashure, a traditional Turkish pudding, and some real animals!

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Last but not least, it is William’s birthday on Saturday so we celebrated with a lovely party – there was cake, music and dancing, and of course presents and cards. We hope you had a great time and have even more fun tomorrow, William!


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Weeks 10 & 11 in KG2A

The last week and a half have gone very quickly – time flies when you are having fun!

We have learned about how people in communities help each other, and we began to understand location and learn about where we live and go to school. We also started to learn about community workers and what they do for our community. Keep reading to find out more!

Here, we are sorting pictures of objects by their first letter:



Our bean plants are starting to grow lots because we give them water and sun! They will keep growing tall and hopefully will start to grow beans!

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In music, we practiced using different instruments and moved in different ways:

On December 20th, we are celebrating a very exciting event, International Day!!

We will be representing Italy, with a performance, costumes and food. So we could see what Italy is like, we took flight KG2A with Pan Asia International Airways – thank you our pilots, William and Ekrem, for getting us there safely!



Last but not least, we are very happy to welcome another new friend, Sema. She is very kind and helpful, and has made lots of new friends already! We hope you are very happy in your new class and school, Sema!


Family Future Fun for KG2A!

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Here are some wonderful pictures we drew to show you what we dream about being!

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Here we are working as a team in preparation for a day filled with fun!

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We came to school dressed as our future selves and all looked fantastic!


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We worked on different parts of our fire station and were very lucky to have lots of our mothers in to help us!

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We had a chance to explore some of the buildings that were made and of course play with our fire station and fire truck!

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Here we are receiving our certificates for our participation in a great day!


Time for some well deserved lunch!


Week 9 in KG2A!

What are the parts in a community? This is what we explored this week!

We learned about neighborhoods and communities and understood that the classroom is a community, too! We talked about community helpers and buildings, which tied in nicely to our ‘Future Fun’ day, where we made our very own fire station!

Please see our post ‘Family Future Fun’ to see all about what we did.

Here are some of the other things we did this week:

We practiced our letter formation for Pp, Ff and our names.

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We looked for shapes in everyday objects and buildings, then recreated these ourselves.

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We had our first Friday reading morning, where we loved exploring the books in our class library!

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And most exciting of all, we learned about what plants need in order to grow, planted our very own bean plant seeds, and had a wonderful time exploring soil!


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KG2A: week 8

This week our question was, ‘What is a family?’

We talked about our own families and special family members, and about other families and cultures.

Here we are drawing our family portraits to go with the wonderful photographs we brought in. We used these to practice the sentence structure, ‘This is my…’

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We really enjoyed our book of the week, ‘Jonathan and his Mommy,’ about a boy who loves to walk and talk with his mother. They walk in zig zag steps, itsy bitsy tiny steps, humungous steps, running steps, rabbit steps, and lots more! We laid down our footprints to copy these in class:

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In PE, we practiced the steps Jonathan and his mother took and thought of our very own steps, too!1413201986734 1413201994529 1413201998316 1413202001081 1413202003993

We had a great music class this week, using maracas to shake to the beat of music!


KG 2A: week 7

This week our question was:

What do the parts of our body do?

We learned about parts of our bodies and what they do. For example we use of hands to wave, clap and feel. We use our mouths to smile, talk and taste. We explored our senses, there are so many things to see, hear, smell, feel and taste!

We made colorful hand prints that you can see outside our classroom, come and see how similar or different they are to yours!

Here we are using our senses to explore two very different foods, apples and bread. Which is smooth and which is rough? What colors do you see?

We enjoyed looking closely at these foods and discovering what happens when you put an apple seed into the ground!

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After looking carefully and feeling, we drew and colored pictures. We were very good at including details like bread air bubbles and apple seeds. Come and look at our art display!

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We were very lucky to welcome Ayan this week. Ayan has lived in Bangladesh and London, near to Teacher Maya’s home. He loves dinosaurs and using a stethoscope to check our heart beats! Ayan has a twin, Albie, who will be moving into KG 2B next week. We hope you have a wonderful time in your new class, Albie!

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Ayan, new friends and dinosaur towers!

Well done to William who finished his sticker chart this week! He was very pleased with his achievement and prize. Keep up the good work, William!


And finally, a HUGE congratulations this week goes to Ghayda, our student of the month! Ghayda always tries her best and comes to school with a great attitude. She always listens carefully and has a lovely smile, even when she wakes up! I am particularly proud of Ghayda for learning how to write her name using upper and lower case letters correctly, all by herself!


**** On October 16th (Thursday), we are inviting all parents to come in and join their children for a day of ‘future fun!’ We will be working together to make a fire station, any recycled materials and suggestions would be very welcome!

KG 2A: week 6

This week was all about feelings, and how our feelings affect the way people behave. We talked about what makes us happy, sad and excited and how to fix problems.

We can be:



















and best of all, proud when we try our best!


In math, we practiced lots of counting, moving the objects one at a time. We are getting much better at counting up to 10 objects like this!

coutngin pizza toppings counting4 counting3 counting2 counting

We also found lots of circles, triangles, squares and rectangles in every day life!

finding shapes2finding shapes

Here we are working hard on tracing our names, using our upper and lower cases correctly and forming our letters carefully.

writing names writing name2

To finish off the week, we celebrated some fantastic achievements. We had several children finish their sticker charts which means they have been listening carefully, helping to keep the classroom tidy, being kind to their friends and trying their best with their work!

Well done to Ghayda, Fadin, Ekrem, Chai, Busra and Esad, keep up the good work!!

Ghayda Fadin Ekrem Chai BusraEsad

week 5 in KG2A

This week we have started a new unit called ‘All About Me.’ Our question for week 5 was ‘Who am I?’ We looked closely at things that are the same and different between us and talked how these differences make us special. We have also learned that trying our best leads to greater success and we can feel really proud of all our hard work!

In math this week we have continued our work on shapes. This time we looked at triangles, rectangles and squares in lots of detail.


Here we are looking for examples of rectangles in the classroom…

tracing trianglestracing 2

We traced shapes on the interactive white board to help our muscle memory…

walking trianglestriangles3triangles2triangles

We walked around shapes to help us remember how many straight sides and turns they have…

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Then we used what we learned to make our own shapes out of lollypop sticks…

drawing triangles2 drawing trianglesmaking triangles drawing rectangles2 drawing rectangles

And finally, we created our own fantastic shapes collages by tracing, sticking, cutting and decorating!

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This week we also had the chance to work with our music teacher and KG 2B on a very exciting music project! We will bring more news about this in the coming weeks, keep watching this space!

Week 4 in KG2A

Our fourth week in the manatees class has been very exciting!

We have been talking a lot about how to make and keep our friends, and how to work together as a team. We have used our happy faces in class and this has helped us to learn some great new things! 

In math, we have been looking closely at all the different colored and sized circles around us and talked about their curved sides.

finding circles3finding circles2finding circles6finding circles

We then found circle shaped objects in class and drew around them to create our own circle collages.

tracing circles4 tracing circles2 tracing circles

putting shapes together

Here, Ghayda is exploring putting shapes together to make a pattern.

In phonics, we practiced the letters a, s, d and m. We played games to help us remember the letters, sounds and things starting with the letters. During center time, we found and sorted different objects starting with these letters.

phonics2 phonics

Here, we are starting to read whole sentences together. We listened to the teacher and repeated back the sentence, we clapped the words, we counted the words then we arranged the words into the correct order!

making sentences2 making sentences

In literacy, we acted out the story of The Gingerbread Man and really enjoyed it! We then made our own gingerbread men during center time.

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In PE, we pretended we were the gingerbread man and the other characters and played chase: ‘Run, run, as fast as you can. You can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!’


And of course we loved our swimming lesson! Remember swimming is now on a Friday, don’t forget your swimming costume!

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Week 3 for the manatees!

Week 3 has been another fun filled week of learning!

Our question of the week was ‘What makes a good friend?’

We found out that good friends:

working togetherworking together 2

work together…

taking turnstaking turns 2

… take turns…



playing nicely

… and play nicely!

We have learned so many other things this week!

looking closely

We have used hand lenses to look closely at objects and even our finger prints!


We have sorted lots of objects into those that are the same or different. For example, Chai sorted objects that were the same color and Fadin sorted objects that have the same use!


Here we are painting the letter Aa in upper and lower cases. This is helping to help our hand muscles grow strong.

Aa and Ss

We played games together to help us recognise and remember a and s!


We had lots of fun painting a sun for our phonics display. What letter does the word ‘sun’ start with?

dressing up 1dressing up 2

We also had a great time dressing up and acting out different characters!


We love swimming! We practiced jumping and kicking in the water.

book fair 3book fair 2book fair 1clubs

After all that learning, we even had time to have a look at the fantastic book fair and started some really exciting after school clubs!!

Ekrem birthdayAnd let’s not forget, we celebrated Ekrem’s birthday this week, he turned 4 years old!! Happy Birthday from all of us, Ekrem, we hope you had a super day 🙂