End of Week 2 Weekly Update!

24 Jan 14

Dear Parents,

This week, the students have homework on the number 12, and drawing a picture of their neighborhood. We have been talking lots about different people, places and things in the neighborhood so I am excited to see what the student’s come up with! Please feel free to also review and ask your son/daughter questions about the letters Aa and Bb, the shape of triangle, and the color orange.  They learned all about those this week!

Next week, we will be finishing our chapter of Our Neighborhood, working with the letter Cc, the color orange, the number 12, and circles.  All week, we will also be practicing for Pan-Asia Kindergarten Sports Day, which will be held from 8:30AM-11:00AM on Friday, January 31st.  Each class has been divided up among the teachers and been assigned a specific color.  I have written in your child’s color in your child’s communication book, and they are summarized in the image attached to this post.  The Pan-Asia Sports Day uniform shirts are currently for sale at the Orange Shop!  Please be sure that your child wears his or her’s on that day!

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

T. Katherine